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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baboon Or King Kong

Photographer's optical illusion captures gigantic baboon crushing a car

The gigantic baboon bears down on the packed car, angrily pounding his clenched furry fist on the roof.

A scene from a spin-off version of King Kong, perhaps?

Or worrying evidence that mutant monkeys are on the loose in Britain? Well, no...

Thankfully, the image is simply an optical illusion. 

Crushing: The huge baboon appears to use its giant arm to pound down on the car in front as it stalks around - but it is fact an optical illusion

It was taken at Knowsley Safari Park, in Merseyside, and the baboon was perched on the windscreen of photographer Chez Owen’s car with its arm out. It is a case of right angle photograph.

Split-second timing and the angle of the shot make it seem many times bigger than it is.

Mr Owen 34, was at the safari park with his wife, Alison, 33, when the amazing photograph was taken.

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